Displaying the Date That Is a Month (30 Days) from Today

Article Number:040739

To calculate the date that comes one month after another date, you can use a "Calculated" field and calculate the number of days elapsed since the base date (in this case, 30 days).
This is useful when you need to calculate dates such as a trial end date and a contract expiration date.

In Kintone, the values in the date, time, and date and time fields are treated as UNIX time. That means the dates and the times are treated in seconds. Therefore, you need to specify your formula in seconds as well. For example, you need to enter "60" to specify one minute, and "3600" or "60*60" to specify one hour.

Screenshot: An example of a "Calculated" field being used to calculate the date that is a month from a base date

Place a "Date" field and a "Calculated" field on the form, then configure them as described below.

  • Settings for the "Date" field
    Set a field code.
    In this example, specify "Date" for the field code.
  • Settings for the "Calculated" field
    You set the formula as follows.
    • Formula: Date+(60*60*24*30) Note: Change the number of days specified in the formula (30) depending on the number of elapsed days you want to calculate from the base date.
    • Display format: Date(Example: 2012-08-06)

Screenshot: The "Calculated Settings" screen showing a formula being entered to calculate the date that is a month from a base date