Registering Data in an App

Article Number:040134

In Kintone apps, records are the units in which data is managed. For example, in an app for managing employee information, the information for each employee would be registered as an individual record.

This topic describes the basic steps to add records (data). Try following the steps below to add a record and get more familiar with using your app.

As an example, we will add employee information to the "Employee Information" app that is created in Creating an App.

  1. On the home screen of Kintone, click Employee Information in the Apps section. Screenshot: The "Employee Information" app is outlined in the "Apps" section on the main page of Kintone

  2. Click the Add Record icon (the plus sign-shaped icon) at the upper right of the screen. Screenshot: The "Add Record" icon is outlined on the "View" screen

  3. Enter the information for an employee and click Save. Screenshot: All of the information is entered on the "Record Details" screen

The record is now successfully added. Repeat the above steps to add more records.

  • To display a list of the employees registered in the app:
    If you click the app name either in the breadcrumb trail or at the top left of the screen, you will be navigated to the screen shown in step 2, which displays a list of the records (employee information) in the app. Screenshot: The breadcrumb trail and app name are outlined on the "Record Details" screen
  • To check the detailed information for an employee from the "View" screen:
    On the "View" screen, click the Show Record Details icon to the far left of a record to view its details. Screenshot: The "Show Record Details" icon is outlined on the "View" screen
  • To edit the registered information of an employee:
    Display the details of the record you want to edit, then click the Edit Record icon.
    Screenshot: The "Edit Record" icon is outlined on the "Record Details" screen

Next, try posting a comment on a record by following the steps described in Posting Comments on a Record in an App.